Arts and Culture on Public Housing Estates in Victoria, Australia

Most people do not think about housing estates as places for great art.

When we think about art, we often think about galleries and theatres. When we think about public housing estates, we might think of high rise towers and poverty.

In fact, while most residents of housing estates are financially poor, the estates themselves can be culturally rich, with people from many cultures and backgrounds living together.

This site shows many creative activities that have taken place on public housing estates across Victoria between 2000 and 2004. It shows a way of working where people can creatively shape their own future. This practice involves professional artists working collaboratively with communities. It is known as community arts or community cultural development. 

"... so we will treasure our life in the community and build it with our own hands.” 
- Jim Huang and Linda Yu, residents, Atherton Gardens Estate, Victoria



Public Art Public Housing was published with the support of:

Australia Council    Vic Govt Vic Health

public housing art project
public housing art project


North Richmond Health    Vic Govt      CDN

This website shows excerpts from the book Public Art: Public Housing written by Graham Pitts, illustrated with photos by Angela Bailey and designed by Lin Tobias, that was produced as the final outcome of the Public Housing and Arts project, a collaboration between the North Richmond Community Health Centre, (lead partner), Department of Human Services Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, and the Cultural Development Network in 2004. For further information please contact the Cultural Development Network.